svetlosemina's blog

Review of the Enabel project presentation in Brussels


Brussels - October 26, 2018

CEO-Vision organized an exceptional event on Thursday, October 25, in Brussels, in partnership with his loyal customer Enabel, the Belgian Development Federal Agency.

ENABEL presented the international deployment of GoFAST Collaborative Digital Workplace within their Agency which represents more than 1200 users all over the world.



The development of the GoFAST software at CEO-Vision has been structured from the beginning with a set of support tools such as Git for the source management, JIRA for bugs and requirements management, Jenkins for deployment  automation and many other tools.

However, on the test side, they were confined to an integration environment on which manual and non-exhaustive tests were carried out for each version, listed in an Excel spreadsheet. These tests were supplemented by automated tests concerning security (vulnerability scan,...).


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