Data protection is no longer just a matter for IT experts, but also concerns Lawyers and DPOs.
With extraterritorial laws and RGPD constraints, sovereignty is unavoidable.
- CEO-Vision headquarters and all R&D in France (Haute-Savoie)
- Solution not subject to extraterritorial laws
Sovereignty is of course important for maintaining control and security over your data, but choosing sovereign software also means supporting French companies and helping to maintain the country's strong skills and capacity for innovation.
According to the "Cloud au Centre" circular, any digital product handling sensitive data - whether personal data of French citizens, economic data relating to French companies, or business applications relating to State employees - must be hosted on the State's internal cloud, or on a commercial cloud qualified SecNumCloud by ANSSI, and protected against all extra-EU regulations (e.g. the Cloud Act).
The GoFAST Collaborative DMS complies perfectly with the conditions of the "Cloud au Centre", enabling the public sector, as well as private companies, to regain control of their data: Open Source license, sovereignty, reversibility, technological standards...