GoFAST-Team's blog



Christopher Potter, President of CEO-Vision and Olga Dernovaya, Project Manager will be present at GITEX Global 2021 (Gulf Information Technology Exhibition) in Dubai from October 17 to 21, 2021, the 2nd largest innovation exhibition in the world!

At this exhibition, they will present the very latest version 4.0 of GoFAST Digital Workplace, which has a new, modern design and capable of replacing the obsolete file server for zero duplicates, zero attachments, zero version errors, zero forgotten tasks....

French Ministries are banned from using Office 365


DINUM (Direction Interministérielle du NUMérique/DIGITAL Interministerial Directorate) has just published the note «'Cloud au Centre' et offre Office 365 de Microsoft» which reminds that it is prohibited for Ministries to use or migrate to Cloud Office 365 offers because they do not comply with the circular “Cloud au Centre” 6282 / SG of July 5, 2021 issued by the Prime Minister.


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