In order to terminate the problems which directly related to work habits based on the file server and standard mail: scattered information, too many emails and attachments, errors connected to duplicates and wrong versions of documents, etc. Noisy-le-Grand Hall has chosen to test the GoFAST Digital Workplace solution as part of a 4-month POC.
Complete scope of the project
The first phase of a 4-month POC, centered on the uses of 3 departments
- IT Systems Department (ISD) with 2 departments "Studies & Projects" and "IT Resources"
- Department of Finance and Public Procurement
- Buildings Department (Public Works Construction Department)
Strong "Extranet" scope to:
- Share documents with external participants and collaborate on the different versions of the same document, in particular the processing by internal participants of service providers deliverables
- Replace external drives and "WeTransfer" type tools with a tool belonging to the NLG Town Hall
Main objectives of the project
- To replace the file server and centralize content and communication
- To strengthen collaborative uses, including cross-functional work between different Departments
- To stop duplicates and always have the right version of documents
- To reduce the number of received/sent emails and attachments
- To disseminate final documents (e.g. PDF publications) easily
- To clarify and respect business processes (workflows)
- To manage tasks collaboratively
- To create and administer collaborative spaces easily
- To share easily and without attachments, with the outside world (partners, service providers ...)
- To find the content / information you need quickly
Business projects starting up or already operational on GoFAST
Pilot project "Digital school" :
- A collaborative space has been set up to allow the different participants to collaborate within the framework of the implementation of digital tools in the primary schools of Noisy-le-Grand
- This project involves different departments: ISD, Department of Finance and Public Procurement and the Department of Education and Children, the latter provide the interface with the Ministry of National Education and the Rectorates
Pilot project "Network and Video" :
- A space has been set up for collaborative work between the "Studies and Projects" Department of the ISD and the external service providers responsible for setting up digital infrastructures on the various projects of the city.
"Public Procurement" pilot project
- Establishment of a shared space between the participants involved in the public procurement process
- Promotion of collaboration between participants and optimization of the exchange flow and decision-making circuits
- Establishment of a digitized validation process for documents produced in the context of public procurement
- Securing the management of RFP documents versions (tender documents), from initial development to final publication
- Modeling of the market launch authorization process (specific workflow): creation of the FALM from a model, review and validation / approval by the different hierarchical levels
"Public Works Construction" pilot project
- Public Works Construction, depending on the Buildings Department, is responsible for the construction and laying out of commune spaces and buildings. These projects involve the other departments of Noisy-le-Grand (including Public Procurement) and external participants (Architects, Project managers ...)
- The PKO project is a project of a public parking development, involving the sharing of a large volume of documents (plans, technical documentation, etc.) between the service providers (Architect, Demolition project management, Construction project management, etc.) and the internal participants. It is planned to verify the good adaptation of GoFAST Digital Workplace to these uses and to identify the improvements and potential gains compared to the tools used nowadays.
Pilot project "ISD"
- Documentary repository of applications: the ISD manages 70 business applications, which requires sharing and keeping the documentation of these applications up to date. This documentation is stored in different directories dedicated to the Departments, some of which have to intervene in the development process, while others only read.
- Noisy-le-Grand Hall's digital projects (HRIS, Digital School, open GST, etc.) involve internal participants (business lines, IT, public procurement), but also external (contract holders). Shared spaces both internally and Extranets are necessary here and with simple access management.
- IT infrastructure projects involve the sharing of a large volume of documents (plans, technical documentation, etc.) between service providers and internal IT department participants.
Assessment / Feedback of the results and experience
After a month of starting the project and launching the deployment of the collaborative platform, a real awareness of users was noted on the potential of the platform and the added value of this digital transformation in their daily work.
The support of each business referent from the beginning of the project has made it possible to understand the needs and focus actions on uses. The training courses have also been strongly adapted in order to be fully oriented towards these uses.
Lockdown imposed in March / April 2020 (Covid-19) helped accelerate the deployment of GoFAST as a reference tool for telecommuting. A large part of Noisy-le-Grand hall's civil servants is not equipped with laptops, a constraint that Collaborative DMS has made it possible to bypass thanks to full-web access both for read - only documents, their editing (integrated Collaborative Office Suite), the processing of tasks and processes, as well as web-conferencing and Chat tools (no "PC app to install).
The first figures of the POC (July 2020) :
Number of created collaborative spaces:
- 93 active users (scope restricted to POC)
- 22 "Extranet" spaces (work with partners)
- 39 "Organization" spaces (Directorates, Services, etc.)
- 35 "Groups" spaces (cross-functional projects, knowledge bases, etc.)
- 3 "Public" spaces (distribution of content to participants, etc.)
Number of documents stored on the platform : 43,000 (4 months after the start of the project, loaded directly by users)
Digital transformation around a Sovereign and Open Source solution
This project is an example of how to rethink your IS and working methods in order to move towards closer collaboration while raising the security level for your data.
The choice of the Collaborative GoFAST DMS platform allows Noisy-le-Grand Hall to avoid the deployment of certain proprietary and / or "GAFAM" solutions, thus protecting itself from the Cloud Act and the pricing policies of the main software publishers.
Working with a sovereign software publisher provides important advantages: proximity, better understanding of business issues, consistency with political discourse for the promotion of French startups and SMB rather than GAFAMs, and control of its data.

Noisy-le-Grand is a French commune located in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis in the Île-de-France region. Noisy-le-Grand was a part of the development area of the new town of Marne-la-Vallée in sector 1, Porte de Paris.
Currently it is part of the Grand Paris territorial public establishment.