In 2002, the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (the French deposite and consignement office) launched the FAST (Fournisseur d’Accès Sécurisé Transactionnel / Secure Transactional Access Provider in English) project in order to meet the experimental needs of the General Directorate of the State Modernization as part of the development of the e-administration.
In 2006, FAST became CDC FAST and positioned themselves as a long-term player to support local authorities and public establishments in their digitalization projects.
The company develops a wide range of services in SaaS mode and becomes a key player in their market. The FAST-ACTES (digitalization of judicial review) and FAST-Hélios (digitalization of accounting flows between authorizing officers and payers) services are approved by the Ministry of the Interior and the General Directorate of Public Finance. Other services, such as e-signing system and digitalization of assembly files, complete this offer and are available on tablets and smartphones.
In 2016, CDC FAST became DOCAPOST FAST, a branch of DOCAPOST, the digital branch of La Poste Group, which supports companies and institutions in their digital and mobile transition.
The Business of DOCAPOST FAST
DOCAPOST FAST secures electronic exchanges of all types of documents and plays the role of Teletransmission Third Party (Trusted Third Party) by ensuring the sustainability and maintenance of their services over the long term.
Encryption, time stamping, authentication, constitution and archiving of electronic evidence ... DOCAPOST FAST controls the entire chain of digital trust.