In France, a "Société d'accélération du transfert de technologies" (SATT) is a simplified joint-stock company (SAS) specializing in the valorization of research and innovation knowledge, created by various research-related bodies (Universities, CNRS , INSERM...) and companies (major groups, local SMEs) as part of the Investissements d'avenir program launched by the Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) through a call for projects in 20101. The aim of a SATT is to act as a link between the world of public research and the private sector at local level, in particular by valorizing the results of research programs (patenting, licensing, start-up creation, etc.) and meeting the needs of industry. The SATTs are partly financially managed by Caisse des Dépôts in the legal form of a simplified joint-stock company.