GoFAST integrates AI: automation, anonymisation and intelligent assistance

AI revolutionizes GoFAST DMS with innovative features

Artificial intelligence makes its entry into GoFAST's Electronic Document Management (DMS), bringing advanced functionalities to automate and simplify document management within organizations.

Automated document categorization

The AI built into GoFAST Digitalworkplace & DMS will automatically classify documents according to their content. No more tedious manual filing! From now on, AI will recognize whether a document is an invoice, a CV, a report... and associate it directly with the corresponding category. This step forward will save you considerable time and help you organize your documents more effectively.

Automatic document anonymization

Protecting personal data is a key issue. With AI, our GoFAST Digital Workplace & DMS solution integrates an automatic document anonymization function.
For example, in a CV, it will be possible, with a single click, to hide sensitive information such as contact details, age or address. This is a major step forward in guaranteeing document confidentiality while complying with current regulations.

GoFAST AI: a sovereign AI OnlyOffice plugin

Another major new feature is the integration of GoFAST AI, a sovereign AI plugin for OnlyOffice. This will provide invaluable assistance when writing documents. Thanks to GoFAST AI, users will be able to :
- Generate content from basic ideas.
- Reduce or extend text as required.
- Instantly translate text into multiple languages.
- Rewrite text to improve it or change its style.
- Automatically correct spelling and grammar.
- And much more...

Logistics and availability

GoFAST AI is based on Mistral and is available as an optional module, which can be hosted either OnPremise or SaaS.
This flexibility allows users to choose the solution that best suits their needs, while enjoying the benefits of AI in their document management.
What's more, this module is offered free of charge at startup, provided you leave 1 review on G2, Capterra or/and Lebonlogiciel. Here are the links to leave your review:
- G2
- Capterra
- LeBonLogiciel

With the arrival of AI, GoFAST becomes a true ally in optimizing document management and facilitating collaborative work. The integration of AI into DMS marks a major step towards greater automation, security and efficiency.

To find out more:


If you're interested in this module, contact one of our experts!


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